House & Home





One of the biggest transformations in the house so far has been the fireplace. Don't get me wrong, I love traditional red brick fireplaces, but in this house I felt like the color made the room feel darker and more dated. I knew that painting the fireplace white would brighten up the room and give a good contrast to the dark floors. Dane usually trusts me when it comes to design and decorating, but I really had to talk him into this one! I was so relieved that he ended up loving the final result because it was a bit of a gamble!

We prepped the fireplace by using a wire bristle brush to gently dislodge any loose bits and vacuumed them up. We also taped some plastic over the doors so we wouldn't have to worry about getting paint on them.

Okay, I know it looks like she's doing all the work, but I was just taking a break to take pictures! Thanks Mom! 😘

In this picture, you can see that there was a small gap between the fireplace and the wood trim on the sides and top. After we were done painting, Dane used a line of white caulk to carefully fill in that gap which made it look much more seamless.

Once we had our TV and sound bar hooked up I painted the cords and cables so they would blend into the fireplace. 

All of the decorative items on the fireplace are from local antique stores except for the glass jug. I was looking for a glass jug for awhile, but all of the ones I was finding were $25 and up which I just couldn't justify. I ended up finding this one for $5 from an online brewing company of all places! The dried Silver Dollar Eucalyptus was also $5 at Hobby Lobby

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