Friday, April 14, 2017



I can't believe it has already been almost a year since we moved into our first home! This was actually the first house that we looked at when we started house hunting, but considering the fact that it hadn't been updated much since it was built in the eighties it kind of scared us off! We looked at so many houses, but we ended up coming back to this one because we loved the neighborhood so much. 

It was kind of intimidating thinking about the amount of work it would need, but I just started by making a long list of projects for the house. 
I also read a ton of online tutorials for the updates we were planning on doing because neither of us had much [any] experience😜

Here's a progress picture from after we painted and ripped out the carpets.

I had been dreaming of having a Moravian star light fixture since I'd first seen them on Pinterest, so I was so excited when Dane surprised me with one that I'd saved on my Amazon wish list! I was originally planning on putting it in the dining room, but when we went to hang it we realized it was way too small for that room so we ended up putting it in the hallway. I love the way that the light reflects on the walls and ceiling!

Dane volunteered to remove all of the decals around the house 🙌

I took the picture on the left on the day we got the keys to the house. If we'd only known what was under that carpet💀

I really wanted to do a gallery wall, so I ordered these black frames with matting from Ikea. They're only $6.99 each! I had the black and white pictures printed from and delivered to my house.  I love it because delivery is next to nothing and you can avoid going into the store!

I absolutely love Persian and Kilim rugs, but…I don't love their price tags. I've been mixing some natural fiber rugs in to balance out the cost. They're really reasonably priced, and they feel good on your feet, priorities. haha

More house updates to come!


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